Forest Gate Kids
In 1781, a local Gloucester man called Robert Raikes felt called to serve the poor children of the city. He initiated a weekend school in which these poorer children would be educated in Christian morality and Biblical principles. He had started the Sunday School movement which in only 50 years had grown to have over 1.2 million children attending - almost 25% of the UK population.
Why does this matter? Because Robert Raikes' initial children's ministries were established in the following Gloucestershire churches.
Acton Turville
Most of these churches have either closed completely, or have ceased children's work, but we are one of the only remaining original Raikes' Sunday School Churches.
What was a congregational chapel is now the Forest Gate Youth & Community Building, and we believe that we have a legacy of children's work that is important to uphold.
Whilst the methods are certainly different, we hold the same values as Raikes - that children are able to respond to the gospel and they are part of the church now, and not just in the future.
Little Sprouts Toddler Group
Little Sprouts is a parent/carer and pre-school group open every Tuesday morning from 10am-12pm. It is open for 6 weeks every school term. You can follow us on Facebook to get updates on when we break for holidays and special sessions, such as bacon butty mornings.
We don't charge for entry and you don't need to book in advance, just turn up! We have a large indoor play room, with bistro tables and chairs, settees & bean bags for adults to comfortably sit in. There is a wide variety of toys and a central table and pre-school chairs for children to sit up and enjoy a snack and drink, this doubles up into a messy play area later on in the session.
On suitable weather days we have large lawned garden for the children to run around and play in.
In the middle of the building is a coffee bar, with various cakes, children's snacks and drinks all at very reasonable prices. We ask that everyone visiting purchases something, even if it's just a 50p cup of tea and a drink for your child. This is the only source of income to support the group.
We have changing facilities in the toilets and potty's and trainer seats too.
All the staff are DBS checked and have attended safeguarding training, there is always one member of staff that is first aid trained and the coffee bar staff all have up to date level 2 food safety training.
You will be greeted with a warm welcome and you and your child will be made to feel at home. Come and meet other parents, grandparents and childminders from the area.
Parking is in the visitors car park at the primary school on Hawkers Hill. Please do your best to park here and then walk around to the church building. If you have mobility issues, please park considerately in the roads around the church, to respect the neighbours.
We look forward to welcoming you. Any questions or enquires please contact Louise@forestgatechurch.org
Sunday Kids Church
Sundays for a period of 20 Minutes
For Primary age children. 15-20 minutes where the Bible is looked at with creative themes and games.
Kids Workshops
At different times of the year we hold special day long Kids Workshops that look at different stories from the bible.
For a taste of what our Kids Workshops are like, check out the video from one of our previous Workshops
Upcoming events for Children and families
Got questions? Contact us.
Kathy Histed Children’s Pastor
Forest Gate Youth & Community Building
New Road
GL17 0BX
Church Office: 01594 544844