Forest Gate Church is made up of people who believe that God is as relevant today as He ever has been. We enjoy meeting, worshipping and learning about Him as we go about everyday life, and we call each other FAMILY.
From God's Word, we see church as something you are and not attend, and as such we enjoy midweek activities that build up our faith. We encourage, challenge, support and disciple each other and model accountability to our leaders and them to us. We are passionate that Church is God's designed way to assist those in need, bring healing to the hurting and introduce Jesus as a personal Saviour to all we share life with. Our members come from all walks of life - young, old, academic, creative, the extravert, radical and reserved. We celebrate the diversity of people as God's creation, yet come together in unity under Jesus.

To glorify God and extend His Kingdom by living and proclaiming His truth in our community
Our Vision is to:
Just as Jesus served His disciples and instructed them to do the same to others, we serve our community whether by helping in schools, hosting meals for senior citizens, operating clean-up crews for our town, or partnering with other community groups to organise community fun days.
As Jesus said that His purpose was to seek and save the lost, we aim to fulfill His mandate to do the same. As such we want people to know that Jesus loves them, and died so that they could be free in life. We want to see people become followers of Jesus.
The Bible tells us that we are to encourage each other in the ways of God, and that we should strive to become more like Jesus. Therefore we invest in each other as we grow together in our faith.
As Jesus was sent, so we follow His instructions to send out others. This involves training and resourcing those called to minister in all sorts of ways.
Our Statement of Faith
Our Leaders
Our History
Our Identity
Financial Support
People in Church often don't like talking about money, but Jesus had lots to say on the subject, so we should know what we believe regarding finance and why. First it's important to say that finance should not be a hurdle to anyone being part of the Church, nor should it be a hurdle to obeying what God has challenged us to do in faith. Yet at the same time we are told in the Bible to count the cost of any project before starting it, which means that we are charged with using wisdom and being good stewards.
It's simple - the Church has a mission to fulfil - a job to do, and the people who care about that purpose need to also be responsible for equipping the workers, and providing tools for the job. That equipping can be in a variety of ways; but we read in the new testament that the Christians sold property and assets to enable the Church to support others and do the work that Jesus commissioned it to do.
If you would like to give regularly to Forest Gate Church, please set up a standing order with the details below:
Bank: Santander
Acct: 43131937
Sort Code: 09-06-66
If you pay tax, you will almost certainly be able to direct your 'Gift Aid' amount to the Church as well, effectively adding 25% to your financial donation without any cost to you. Please complete a form below and send it to us. We will then give you a unique Gift Aid Number which will enable any future gifts - whether cash, BACS, paypal or standing order payments, to be giftaided as well.
The responsibility of the Church body:
To give generously of time, energy and money, in proportion to what God has entrused them with
To make sure we never serve money instead of God
To have a cheerful attitude when giving, not giving begrudgingly.
The responsibilty of the leaders & Charity Directors:
To make wise decisions regarding the spending of that money to equip the work of the Church.
To make sure that finance flows through and out of the Church instead of being stockpiled.
To partner with outside agencies appropriately, when the work of the Church addresses community needs for which funds are made available through agency grants or awards.
To divert agreed percentages outside of our immediate area of work in order to equip the wider work of the global Church.
We don't suscribe to the 'prosperity' message that you may see on TV or from some Christian sources, as we don't beileve that we should give to get back in return.
And finally, we are such a blessed nation and a blessed society in the UK. Yet consumerism and advertising continually tells us that we need and deserve more stuff, and that happiness comes from a full lifestyle. We believe that giving to God MUST cost us something if it is to be true worship. Therefore we should prayerfully consider what financial contribution God would have us make, and plan that into our priorities each month. Our financial support shouldn't be just taken from leftovers after all other luxuries have been covered. God deserves our best, and therefore we encourage people to budget that as an expense.
Forest Gate Church is committed to supporting both with finances and prayer, many organisations that help people in need.
Each month we give away at least 10% of our income to many organisations including