
In the early 1970's, a group of Christians started meeting in homes in the Mitcheldean area, working particularly with young people. Music, stories and games formed the basis of a Sunday school group, which in turn grew into a home church. Meeting under the name of 'Mitcheldean Christian Fellowship', a few years later they bought the local congregational chapel, and started meeting there regularly.

Through the years MCF embarked on many projects of practical help in the community, brought the Gospel to the Forest of Dean in many ways and expanded to fill the building. There were entertainment evenings, packed youth services, baptisms, weddings, firework displays and many meals... all in addition to being the weekend worship centre.

In 2006, the leadership felt God cast a vision larger than the building could contain, and so embarked on a moving project, taking weekend celebrations out of the building to a larger accessible venue in the centre of the town. Rather than selling or replacing the existing building, it was to become the mid-week heart of the church - being repurposed to house increasing kids and youth activities in addition to the many community events and training courses that were being held. In 2007, weeks before the move to Vantage Point Conference Centre, the name of the church was changed to Forest Gate Church -  simply a new identity including the name 'Church' - something God calls us and challenges us to live up to.

The Church now operates mid-week from the Youth & Community Building, where the Church hosts parenting courses, kids clubs, toddler groups, youth activities and a senior citizen's luncheon club too. On weekends, we rent space at Dene Magna School where we transform the main hall into the congregational worship space, classrooms into youth and creche spaces, and the gymnasium into Kids Church. There is plenty of space to grow, ample parking and the wonderful use of school fields, basketball courts, and other facilities.