Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then - Part 18 Matt Evans 21st July 2024 4.26 MB
Matt offers final reflections on the 'Did you see me then' sermon series
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then - Part 17 Steve Jones 14th July 2024 8.35 MB
Steve brings our sermon series to an end as he reflects on 'One Man'
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then - Part 16 Bill Hewis 7th July 2024 8.44 MB
Bill considers the genealogy of Jesus and asks where is our place in that family tree.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then - Part 15 Duncan Murray 30th June 2024 6.04 MB
Duncan reflects on the account of Melchizedek
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then - Part 14 Louise Jones 23rd June 2024 8.33 MB
'O Little Town' - Louise considers Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Father's Day Steve Jones 16th June 2024 9.2 MB
Steve leads our informal Fathers' Day service and considers true strength and the account of David.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 13 Bill Hewis 9th June 2024 4.84 MB
Bill continues this series with a look at Moses.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 12 Matt Evans 2nd June 2024 4.98 MB
Matt considers the experience of Job
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 11 John Trueman 26th May 2024 9.8 MB
John looks at the account of Joseph.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 10 Louise Jones 19th May 2024 7.8 MB
Louise reflects on the sign of Jonah.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 9 Duncan Murray 12th May 2024 7.17 MB
Duncan considers the account of Abraham and Isaac.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 8 Steve Jones 5th May 2024 9.3 MB
Steve considers the account of Daniel.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Christ in the Old Testament Hartmut Kopsch 21st April 2024 11.64 MB
Hartmut highlights some of the prophecies relating to Jesus in the Old Testament.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 7 Matt Evans 14th April 2024 4.75 MB
Matt continue this sermon series with a look at Leviticus
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 6 John Trueman 7th April 2024 9.27 MB
'Scriptures Revealed' - John resumes our sermon series looking at references to Jesus in the Old Testament.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Good Friday Reflection Bill Hewis 29th March 2024 3.17 MB
Bill leads a short time of reflection as we mark Good Friday
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 4 Louise Jones 17th March 2024 7.36 MB
Louise continues the theme of ‘Did you see me then?’ focussing on ‘A redeemed life’.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Did you see me then? - Part 3 Matt Evans 10th March 2024 3.26 MB
On Mother's Day, Matt gives the third talk in this series. The reading is taken from1 Samuel 9-20.
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