Title Author Date Recorded File Size
How We Treat Others & Ourselves Duncan Murray 26th March 2023 7.79 MB
Duncan encourages us to consider how we treat others and ourselves
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Mother's Day Louise Jones 19th March 2023 5.41 MB
Louise considers how we can seek Jesus' help in carrying our burdens.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Struggle Hartmut Kopsch 12th March 2023 9.94 MB
Hartmut reflects on the tension between the flesh and the spirit - the focus of his book 'The Struggle'.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Life Well - Part 2 Nathan Jones 4th March 2023 8.43 MB
Part 2 of Nathan's talks on Living Life Well reflects on 'slowing down' (Church weekend).
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Life Well - Part 4 Nathan Jones 4th March 2023 8.06 MB
Part 4 of Nathan's talks on Living Life Well reflects on 'forgiveness' (Church weekend).
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Life Well - Part 5 Nathan Jones 4th March 2023 6.53 MB
Part 5 of Nathan's talks on Living Life Well reflects on 'Relationships & kindness' (Church weekend).
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Life Well - Part 1 Nathan Jones 3rd March 2023 10.01 MB
Part 1 of Nathan's talks on Living Life Well (Church weekend)
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Submitting to God Matt Evans 19th February 2023 3.58 MB
Matt reflects on James Chapter 4 and its call to submit to God.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Fatal Attraction John Trueman 12th February 2023 8.58 MB
John considers what James chapter 1 has to say about temptation
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Prayer Duncan Murray 5th February 2023 12.72 MB
Duncan continues our sermon series on James by looking at what this book has to say about prayer
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - What do you see? Louise Jones 29th January 2023 9.99 MB
Louise considers chapter 2 of James and what is has to say about showing favouritism
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Wisdom Steve Jones 22nd January 2023 7.72 MB
Steve considers Chapter 3 of James and what it teaches about wisdom
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Taming the Tongue Matt Evans 15th January 2023 3.16 MB
We continue our series on James by considering Chapter 3 and what it has to say about our words
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Joy John Trueman 8th January 2023 6.64 MB
John continues our study of James and considers what this book has to say about joy.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
All We Need is Love Duncan Murray 1st January 2023 7.45 MB
Duncan consider's God's gift of love and how we are called to use it.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Part Two Matt Evans 27th November 2022 3.08 MB
Matt continues our study of James and considers Chapter Two
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
James - Part One Steve Jones 20th November 2022 2.49 MB
Steve begins a new sermon series on the book of James and reflects on Chapter One
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
We Remember John Trueman 13th November 2022 2.59 MB
On Remembrance Sunday, John considers how God wants us to remember.
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